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JAPANESE AND CHINESE CARDIOGRAPHS The electrocardiographs from Japan and China occupy 35% of the Russian market of foreign... MORE
CARDIOGRAPHS’ IMPORT The rating of the countries-suppliers of cardiographs to Russia is the following... MORE
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1. Leaders of the Russian market

Electrocardiographs from Japan and China made 35% of the volume of the Russian import in the value terms in 2010. Although the Chinese cardiographs are slightly worse than the Japanese, however a Russian consumer prefers the Japanese products as a rule. The Japanese cardiographs are more compact and have the more elegant forms in comparison with the Chinese. Both are approximately the same regarding the reliability. The reliability of the patient’s cables, the most week place of the cardiograph system, is also the same. It can be stated in general that the Japanese cardiographs are inferior to the Chinese in the price-quality-functionality ratio. The Japanese cardiographs have the wider set of functions although practically all Chinese cardiographs have all necessary routine user functions. The difference of the Chinese manufacturers from the Japanese is in the short history of the development of the Russian market. The Japanese companies Fukuda Denshi and Nihon Kohden have been on the Soviet and the Russian market for several decades already while the Chinese companies are on the Russian market for 4-6 years. Moreover, some Chinese manufacturers were established less than 10 years ago. Hence there are the advantages of the Japanese companies, namely: a good reputation as well as the established system of sales and technical service. The advantages of the Chinese companies are the low cost of their products with a good reliability and a full set of the user functions. The originally Chinese cardiographs of the firms Kaden, Biocare, Edan and Comen occupy a small share of the Russian market so far, in total about 3%.

2. New Chinese manufacturers

Except the stated four manufacturers, the new originally Chinese manufacturers who have recently registered their products in Russia or only intend to register are on the approach to the Russian market. The firm Beijing M&B Instruments Co., Ltd. which registered its models ECG-1206a, ECG-1206d, ECG-1212plus at the beginning of 2011 can be referred to such manufacturers. The last of the stated models has a sensor 8-inches display with 800x600 dots resolution, the memory speed from 10 till 50 mm/sec and the memory till 200 ECG measurements. Contec Medical Systems Co., Ltd. can offer a wide selection of models from 0ne- till 12-channel electrocardiographs. The firm Biolight Electronic Co., Ltd., the largest OEM manufacturer of the patient monitors in China which are already known in Russia, is ready to register its newest models of electrocardiographs Е12В, and Е12 -12-channel cardiographs with a large sensor display and a wide set of modern functions.