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1. Selection of an optimal electrocardiograph
The selection of an optimal electrocardiograph is a difficult task for a private practitioner. There are more than 25 foreign and domestic manufacturers of this kind of equipment some of which are suggesting 10 and more models of one-channel, three-channel, six-channel and twelve-channel cardiographs. The selection of a cardiograph as a rule is based on one’s own experience and on the colleagues’ opinion basing on the knowledge accumulated during the last 10-15 years. What comes to the mind at first in this case? The famous European and Japanese brands. However, by purchasing such kind of brands you purchase the models developed several years ago. The price of such scanner includes naturally the cost of the brand’s “promotion” and the high cost of the labour force in these countries.2. Proposals on the market
In recent years, the Korean manufacturers rapidly entered our market of cardiographs but the Chinese manufacturers go more rapidly and massively. The last are characterized by the minimum costs for the “promotion” and by the known cost of the labour force in China. If we reject the remaining prejudices about the quality of the Chinese goods, then it can be affirmed that the selection of a cardiographs cannot do without consideration of the Chinese apparatuses.
Electrocardiographs represented on our site are produced by Chinese and Japanese manufacturers, the last ones are both of Japanese and Chinese assembly. By getting acquainted with these cardiographs which cover the whole range of the price-functions-quality ration you will be able to select and buy a cardiograph which meets your requirements optimally.
3. Quality of Japanese and Chinese cardiographs
The quality of the originally Japanese electronics produced in Japan, and not only electronics, is well-known. There is also no doubt about the quality of the electronic devices of the famous Japanese, American and European brands produced in China. The production volume of this technique is considerably increasing every year. Russia purchases rather big volumes of the Chinese medical equipment. Thus, in 2008-2009, only for the code ТН ВЭД: 9018 (Apparatuses and devices applied in medicine…) Russia imported the medical equipment from China for the amount of USD150mln and 180mln that is about 10% of the total import volume for this code. Even higher are the growth rates of production and import of electronic equipment produced by the purely Chinese plants. As the analysis of the Russian market of the imported medical equipment shows, within the last 3-4 years the import volume of Us-scanners and of electrocardiographs of the purely Chinese manufacturers increases by 1,5-2 times annually. There is the rather big number of users of the originally Chinese Us-scanners, electrocardiographs and other medical equipment on our market to make a conclusion about the high quality and reliability of this equipment. The cardiographs of the Chinese firm Kaden , one of the leading Chinese manufacturers of ECG apparatuses, are not an exception. The five years experience of Kaden cardiographs operation allows to make a conclusion about the high quality and reliability of these apparatuses.
4. Selection criteria
Several selection criteria can be distinguished.
1. The correspondence of the technical parameters of the cardiograph to the stated requirements of the ECG diagnostics doctor.
2. The quality of the apparatus.
3. The reliability of the cardiograph as well as the reliability and stability of the manufacturer an
seller of this cardiograph.
4. The price-quality ration.
• Of course, the most important parameter is the correspondence of the technical characteristics and the ratio of these characteristics with the price. It should only be noted here that the doctor does not use a significant number of “bells and whistles”. They are redundant for him.
• The quality of the apparatus – this is something that should receive a special attention. We cannot do without the advices of the experienced here.
• The reliability of the cardiograph can be defined by the volume of sales. The more cardiographs are supplied by a definite manufacturer to Russia, the higher is the probability of the correct estimation of the reliability parameter. The reliability of the seller and manufacturer can be estimated by the duration of their existence on the market.